tiny teeth, BIG SMILES!

Emergency Care

Emergency Care

We understand that kids will be kids, and accidents happen. We want you to be prepared in the event that a dental emergency arises. Below are some frequently asked questions regarding our emergency dental care. If your child has experienced a severe blow to the head or has decreased level of alertness, call 911 immediately or take your child to the nearest emergency room for care.

Q: What should I do if my child’s baby tooth is knocked out?

A:Call our office immediately if your child has a primary tooth knocked out. Dr. Anya recommends that you do not attempt to reimplant the tooth in your child’s mouth, as it may cause damage to the permanent tooth coming in behind it.

Q: What should I do if my child’s permanent tooth is knocked out?

A: Time is very important. Find the tooth and visit our office immediately or the emergency room. You may also require additional medical attention that you are unaware of including treatment for a concussion, tetanus boosters, or treatment for broken bones.. The tooth may be larger than you would expect and some say it looks like a chewing gum rolled into a tube. Do not use any soap or abrasive material on the tooth, do not rinse the tooth with water as this could harm the tooth. Inspect the tooth for visible fractures. The tooth typically has a smooth, flat surface on the side touching the lips while the side near the tongue has a scooped out feeling. Orient to tooth and attempt to gently replace the tooth in the socket if the tooth appears to be intact. Hold the tooth in place with a clean washcloth or gauze. If you can’t get the tooth back in the socket, place the tooth in a clean container filled with cold milk or saline (some contact solutions), NOT water as this could kill parts of the tooth. Another alternative is to place the tooth in a container and cover it with saliva. Placing the tooth in the patient’s mouth near the cheek may be acceptable if the patient is old enough, and alert. Call our office immediately! A fast response is key to saving this tooth!

Q: What if my child is experiencing pain in a specific tooth or complains of a toothache?

A: Call our office as soon as possible. You can rinse your child’s mouth with water to help comfort them, cleaning the area with dental floss to remove any food that may be impacted in the gingiva. Administer an over the counter children’s pain medication in the proper dosage for your child’s age and weight. A cold compress or ice wrapped in a washcloth may be applied your child’s face to help ease the pain in the area. Avoid applying heat or aspirin to the gums or teeth.

Q: What should I do if my child cracks or chips on their teeth?

A: If your child chips their tooth, call our office immediately. If we respond quickly we can often save the tooth and prevent infection that can be painful and require further treatment. Rinse your child’s mouth and apply a cold compress to reduce the swelling in the area.

Do you still have questions and concerns? Call us today!